Detroit, 2019
Mixed-media temporary installation with live microscopy
Scope: Sound designer, audio and lighting control system designer, design engineer, installation coordinator
How can we imagine partnerships with unusual organisms on our changing planet?
Scope: Theater of Collaborative Survival explores the relationship organisms have with their environment through the notions of toxicity, remediation, and evolution, over various scales of time and space.
Co-created with biologist Elizabeth Hénaff and multimedia artist Heather Parrish, it features interpretive tokens of human and microbial activity and their interactions: jars of Gowanus Canal sediment (Brooklyn, NY) and live laser microscopy of its inhabitants, photoreactive prints of multi-scale living environments, and generative multi-channel sonification of algorithmically-generated populations evolving at different time scales.
Materials: Cyanotype and UV-reactive inkjet prints, laser microscope, generative octophonic audio and lighting system, live sediment samples.
Software: Python, Max/MSP
Photos: Mark Sullivan
Video: Adam Wolffbrandt